Patricia “Patty” Koppers
Patricia “Patty” Koppers joined Joe in the business after they married in 1975. Patty took on the role as the accounting administrator and the benefit coordinator for our employees. Patty became a self-taught “book keeper” when everything was done on ledger sheets. When the company incorporated in 1977, Patty became the president of Koppers Fabricators, Inc. As a woman owned business Koppers Fabricators, Inc has been able to qualify for a broader range of projects. Patty has attended many seminars on contract law for DC, Maryland and Virginia. Patty’s knowledge and expertise has been a benefit to the company as it has grown over the years. Patty has maintained a vital role at Koppers Fabricators, Inc. and continues to be very active in the daily operations of the business.
Patty also has been a driving force in NOMMA, the National Misc. Metals Association, and the continuation and growth of the local Washington DC Chapter. In the late 1970’s into the early 1990’s Patty acted and served as various roles of the local chapter including President. Patty spear headed local chapter meetings and seminars to further education and training within the ironworking and metalworking industry in the Washington DC area